Phil Collins深情演绎《We Fly So Close》在线试听

2015-02-15 10:39:33 音乐资讯


  Phil Collins深情演绎的这首《We Fly So Close》表达的就是这样一种情感,因着他沙哑而磁性的嗓音和淡雅而忧伤的艺术表现力,让这首歌更加的富有感染力。

   菲尔·柯林斯(Phil Collins)是当代英国摇滚乐与流行音乐的乐手。格莱美奖获得者。身为爵士融合团体Brand X与前卫摇滚团体创世纪乐团的鼓手,并且在彼得加布瑞尔离开创世纪乐团后,顶替了该团的主唱位置。他的单曲多与失恋有关,从侧重于鼓声的"In the Air Tonight", 到舞曲"Sussudio", 还是与政治有关的"Another Day in Paradise"(粤语版本:新人类),都获得了极大的成功。他的曲风尤为多变, 他个人无论在前卫摇滚,还是一般流行乐, 甚至是MTV的各种榜单上都占有一席之地。

  We Fly So Close — Phil Collins

  My harbour lights are fading fast 港湾灯火逐一熄灭

  soon they'll disappear 不久它们都会消失

  alone I sit in darkness 我独自坐在黑暗中

  hoping someone might come near 盼望有人接近

  though I wait, though I try 虽然我苦苦等待,虽然我竭尽全力

  no one ever comes 始终无人到来

  and the feelings that I have flood over me 情感有如洪水将我淹没

  the river starts to run 眼泪有如江河滚滚流走

  We fly so close 我俩飞得真近

  we fly so close 我俩飞得真近

  sometimes we fly too close 有时我俩飞得太近

  Every place you run to, everywhere you turn 无论你走到何处,你去向何方

  there are places that you know you should not go 总有些你知道不该涉足的禁区

  but some bridges just won't burn 但却总有些往事令你牵肠挂肚

  all my life, though I try 虽然我一生都在努力

  I cannot change the past 我无法改变过去

  and the ghosts that come back to haunt you 那些往日阴影又来搅扰你

  make you realise at last 使你恍然大悟

  We fly so close 我俩飞得真近

  we fly so close 我俩飞得真近

  sometimes we fly too close 有时我俩飞得太近

  we fly too close

  My heart is racing much faster now 现在我的心跳越来越快

  life passes before my eyes 此生有如电影历历在目

  somethings I see, they make me smile 有些往事令我微笑

  somethings they make me cry 还有一些让我哭泣

  so I look, so I try to find 於是我努力探索,我努力追寻

  a lesson I can learn 生命赋予的教诲

  the passing of time hasn't changed my mind 光阴的流逝无法改变我的初衷

  and the ghosts I know return 熟悉的阴影再次将我缠绕

  You know we fly so close 我俩飞得真近

  we fly so close 我俩飞得真近

  sometimes we fly too close 有时我俩飞得太近

  we fly too close

  We fly so close, you and I sometimes 我俩飞得真近, 有时你我

  sometimes we fly so close, 有时我俩飞得真近

  we'll never know how many times 我们永远无法知道有多少次

  we fly so close 我俩飞得真近

  we fly so close 我俩飞得真近